Below is a bibliography of Dr. Brem's journal articles, book chapters, video demonstrations of clinical techniques, and conference presentations. Click on the links to view the publications themselves.
Journal Articles
- Pharmacological and Genetiic Inhibition of Caveolin-1 Promotes Epithelialization and Wound Closure. Jozic I, Sawaya AP, Pastar I, Head CR, Wong LL, Glinos GD, Wikramanayake TC, Brem H, Kirsner RS, Tomic-Canic M. Mol Ther. 2019 Jul; 30. 30329-6.
- A Framework to Assist Providers in the Management of Patients with Chronic, Nonhealing Wounds. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. R. Howell, T. Criscitelli, S. Gorenstein, B. Gillette, H. Brem. Nov. 2018; 31(11):491-501.
- Practical Application of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) in Patients with Wounds. H. Brem, R. Howell, T. Criscitelli, A. Senderowicz, N. Siegart, S. Gorenstein, B. Gillette. Surgical Technology International. 2018 Mar 29; 31. pii: sti32/977.
- A Perioperative Approach to Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers to Increase Limb Salvage. R.S. Howell, T. Criscitelli, J.S. Woods, B. Gillette, H. Brem, S. Gorenstein. Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Journal. 2018 Apr; 107(4): 431-440.
- Wound Care Center of Excellence: Guide to Operative Technique for Chronic Wounds. R.S. Howell, S. Gorenstein, M. Castellano, E. Slone, J.S. Woods, B. Gillette, H. Brem, C. Brathwaite. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2018 Feb; 226(2): 7-8
- Protocol for Psychopharmacologic Management of Behavioral Health Comorbidity in Adult Patients with Diabetes and Soft Tissue Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital Setting. A. Pinkhasov, D. Singh, B. Kashan, J. DiGregorio, T.M. Criscitelli, S. Gorenstein, H. Brem. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2016 Nov; 29(11): 518-52.
- Modalities to Treat Venous Ulcers: Compression, Surgery, and Bioengineered Tissue. L.J. Gould, G. Dosi, K. Couch, G.W. Gibbons, R.S. Howell, H. Brem, M. Tomic-Canic. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2016 Sep; 138(3 Suppl): 199S-208S.
- Major Histopathologic Diagnoses of Chronic Wounds. G.K. Turi, V. Donovan, J. DiGregorio, T.M. Criscitelli, B. Kashan, S. Barrientos, J.R. Balingcongan, S. Gorenstein, H. Brem. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2016 Aug; 29(8): 376-82.
- Chronic Wound Repair and Healing in Older Adults: Current Status and Future Research. L. Gould, P. Abadir, H. Brem, M. Carter, T. Conner-Kerr, J. Davidson, L. DiPietro, V. Falanga, C. Fife, S. Gardner, E. Grice, J. Harmon, W.R. Hazzard, K.P. High, P. Houghton, N. Jacobson, R.S. Kirsner, E.J. Kovacs, D. Margolis, F. McFarland Horne, M.J. Reed, D.H. Sullivan, S. Thom, M. Tomic-Canic, J. Walston, J.A. Whitney, J. Williams, S. Zieman, K. Schmader. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015 Mar; 63(3): 427-38. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2015 Jan-Feb; 23(1): 1-13.
- Wounds in Patients with HIV. Alexander McMeeking, In Kim, Frank Ross, Elizabeth A. Ayello, Harold Brem, Patrick Linton, Daniel K. O’Neill. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2014; 27:396-403.
- Clinical Application of Growth Factors and Cytokines in Wound Healing. Stephan Barrientos, Harold Brem, Olivera Stojadinovic, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2014; 22(5):569-78.
- Acute Lung Injury Following the Use of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor. Kristina Kudlak, Jonas P. DeMuro, Adel F. Hanna, Harold Brem. International Journal of Critical Illness & Injury Science. 2013; 3(4): 279-81.
- Anesthesia Protocol for Heel Pressure Ulcer Debridement. O'Neill, D. K., Tsui, S. M., Ayello, E. A., Cuff, G., & Brem, H. (2012). Advances in skin & wound care, 25(5), 209–219.
- Regional Anaesthesia with Sedation Protocol to Safely Debride Sacral Pressure Ulcers. Daniel K. O’Neill, Bryan Robins, Elizabeth A . Ayello, Germaine Cuff, Patrick Linton, Harold Brem. International Wound Journal, Oct. 2012; 9(5): 525-543.
- Induction of Specific MicroRNAs Inhibits Cutaneous Wound Healing. Irena Pastar, Aly Azeem Khan, Olivera Stojadinovic, Elizabeth A. Lebrun, Mayrin Correa Medina, Harold Brem, Robert S. Kirsner, Joaquin J. Jimenez, Christina Leslie, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Journal Of Biological Chemistry, Aug. 24, 2012; 287(35): 29324–29335.
- Cortisol Synthesis in Epidermis is Induced by IL-1 and Tissue Injury. Vukelic S, Stojadinovic O, Pastar I, Rabach M, Krzyzanowska A, Lebrun E, Davis SC, Resnik S, Brem H, Tomic-Canic M. J Biol Chem. 2011; 286:10265-75.
- High Cost of Stage IV Pressure Ulcers. Brem H, Maggi J, Nierman D, Rolnitzky L, Bell D, Rennert R, Golinko M, Yan A, Lyder C, Vladeck B. American Journal of Surgery. 2010; 200:473-477.
- Attenuation of the Transforming Growth Factor β–Signaling Pathway in Chronic Venous Ulcers. Irena Pastar, Olivera Stojadinovic, Agata Krzyzanowska, Stephan Barrientos, Christina Stuelten, Karen Zimmerman, Miroslav Blumenberg, Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Molecular Medicine, March-April 2010; 16(3-4): 92-101.
- Cultured Bilayered Skin Allograft for Vaginal Construction. Albert Altchek, Andrew Hanflik, Liane Deligdisch, and Harold Brem. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2010 Feb; 23(1): e5–e8.
- Preliminary development of a diabetic foot ulcer database from a wound electronic medical record: A tool to decrease limb amputations. Michael S. Golinko, David J. Margolis, Adit Tal, Ole Hoffstad, Andrew J. M. Boulton, Harold Brem. Wound Repair Regen. 2009 Sep-Oct; 17(5): 657-65.
- Mechanism of Sustained Release of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Accelerating Experimental Diabetic Healing. Harold Brem, Arber Kodra, Michael S. Golinko, Hyacinth Entero, Olivera Stojadinovic, Vincent M. Wang, Claudia M. Sheahan, Alan D. Weinberg, Savio L.C. Woo, H. Paul Ehrlich and Marjana Tomic-Canic. J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Sep; 129(9): 2275-87.
- Surgical Pathology to Describe the Clinical Margin of Debridement of Chronic Wounds Using a Wound Electronic Medical Record. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Michael S. Golinko, Renata Joffe, David de Vinck, Eashwar Chandrasekaran, Olivera Stojadinovic, Stephan Barrientos, Sasa Vukelic, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Harold Brem. 2009 Aug; 209(2): 254-260.e1.
- Operative Debridement of Pressure Ulcers. Jessica Schiffman, Michael S. Golinko, Alan Yan, Anna Flattau, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Harold Brem. World J Surg. 2009 Jul; 33(7): 1396-402.
- Wound Emergencies: The Importance of Assessment, Documentation, and Early Treatment Using a Wound Electronic Medical Record. Michael S. Golinko, Sunday Clark, Robert Rennert, Anna Flattau, Andrew J. M. Boulton, Harold Brem. Ostomy Wound Management. 2009 May; 55(5): 54-61.
- Lower extremity ulcers: venous, arterial, or diabetic? Aydin A, Shenbagamurthi S, Brem H: Emergency Medicine 2009; 41:18-24
- The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Wound Healing. Philip Bao, Arber Kodra, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Michael S. Golinko, H. Paul Ehrlich, Harold Brem. Journal of Surgical Research, May 15, 2009; 153(2): 347-358.
- Developing and Evaluating Outcomes of an Evidence-based Protocol for the Treatment of Osteomyelitis in Stage IV Pressure Ulcers: A Literature and Wound Electronic Medical Record Database Review. Robert Rennert, Michael Golinko, Alan Yan, Anna Flattau, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Harold Brem. Ostomy Wound Management, March 2009; 55(3): 42-53.
- Standardization of Wound Photography Using the Wound Electronic Medical Record. Robert Rennert, Michael Golinko, Dave Kaplan, Anna Flattau, Harold Brem. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Jan. 2009; 22(1): 32-38.
- Operative Debridement of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Michael S. Golinko, Renta Joffe, Jason Maggi, Dalton Cox, Eashwar B. Chandrasekaran, MS, R. Marjana Tomic-Canic, Harold Brem. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Dec. 2008; 207(6): e1-e6.
- Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in Deep Tissue Cultures. Anna Flattau, Jessica Schiffman, Franklin D. Lowy, Harold Brem. International Wound Journal, Dec. 2008; 5(5): 599-600.
- Deregulation of keratinocyte differentiation and activation: a hallmark of venous ulcers. Olivera Stojadinovic, Irena Pastar, Sasa Vukeli, My G. Mahoney, Donna Brennan, Agata Krzyzanowska, Michael Golinko, Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic. J. Cell Mol Med. 2008 Dec; 12(6B): 2675-90.
- Using Gene Transcription Patterns (Bar Coding Scans) to Guide Wound Debridement and Healing. Marjana Tomic-Canic, Elizabeth A. Ayello, Olivera Stojadinovic, Michael S. Golinko, Harold Brem. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Oct. 2008; 21(10): 487-494.
- Maintenance debridement in the treatment of difficult-to-heal chronic wounds. Falanga V, Brem H, Ennis WJ, Wolcott R, Gould LJ, Ayello EA: Ostomy Wound Management 2008; Suppl. S: 2-13.
- Growth Factors and Cytokines in Wound Healing. Stephan Barrientos, Olivera Stojadinovic, Michael S. Golinko, Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Wound Repair and Regeneration, Sept-Oct 2008; 16(5): 585-601.
- Guidelines to aid healing of acute wounds by decreasing impediments of healing. Franz MG, Robson MC, Steed DL, Barbul A, Brem H, Cooper DM, Leaper D, Milner SM, Payne WG, Wachtel TL, Wiersema-Bryant L: Wound Repair and Regeneration 2008; 16:723-48.
- Guidelines for the prevention of diabetic ulcers. Steed DL, Attinger C, Brem H, Colaizzi T, Crossland M, et. al. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2008; 16:169-174.
- ADAM12: A Potential Target for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds. Asheesh Harsha, Olivera Stojadinovic, Harold Brem, Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa, Ulla Wewer, Cynthia A. Loomis, Carl P. Blobel, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Journal of Molecular Medicine, Aug. 2008; 86(8): 961-969.
- Primary Cultured Fibroblasts Derived from Patients with Chronic Wounds: A Methodology to Produce Human Cell Lines and Test Putative Growth Factor Therapy Such As GMCSF. Harold Brem, Michael S. Golinko, Olivera Stojadinovic, Arber Kodra, Robert F. Diegelmann, Sasa Vukelic, Hyacinth Entero, Donald L. Coppock, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2008; 6:75.
- The Synergism of Age and db/db Genotype Impairs Wound Healing. Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Hyacinth Entero, Andrew M. Hanflik, Vincent M. Wang, John T. Fallon, H. Paul Ehrlich. Experimental Gerontology 2007; 42(6): 523-531.
- Cellular and Molecular Basis of Wound Healing in Diabetes. Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, May 2007; 117(5): 1219-22.
- Molecular Markers in Patients with Chronic Wounds to Guide Surgical Debridement. Harold Brem, Olivera Stojadinovic, Robert F Diegelmann, Hyacinth Entero, Brian Lee, Irena Pastar, Michael Golinko, Harvey Rosenberg, and Marjana Tomic-Canic. Molecular Medicine, Jan-Feb 2007; 13(1-2): 30–39.
- Novel genomic effects of glucocorticoids in epidermal Keratinocytes: inhibition of apoptosis, interferon-gamma pathway, and wound healing along with promotion of terminal differentiation. Stojadinovic O, Lee B, Vouthounis C, Vukelic S, Pastar I, Blumenberg M, Brem H, Tomic-Canic M: Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007; 282:4021-4034.
- Pyoderma gangrenosum versus chronic venous ulceration: comparison of diagnostic features. Koo K, Brem H, Lebwohl M: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 2006; 10:26-30.
- Prevention and reversal of diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice treated with alagebrium (ALT-711). Peppa M, Brem H, Cai W, Zhang JG, Basgen J, Li Z, Vlassara H, Uribarri J: American Journal of Nephrology 2006; 26:430-436.
- Evidence-Based Protocol for Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Harold Brem, Peter Sheehan, Harvey J. Rosenberg, Jillian S. Schneider, Andrew J. M. Boulton. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, June Supplement 2006; 117(7S): 193S-209S.
- Molecular Pathogenesis of Chronic Wounds: The Role of β-Catenin and c-myc in the Inhibition of Epithelialization and Wound Healing. Olivera Stojadinovic, Harold Brem, Constantinos Vouthounis, Brian Lee, John T. Fallon, Michael Stallcup, Ankit Merchant, Robert D. Galiano, Marjana Tomic-Canic. American Journal of Pathology, July 2005; 167(1): 59-69.
- The Book of Opposites: The role of the nuclear receptor co-regulator proteins in negative regulation by retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptors. Jho SH, Vouthounis C, Lee B, Stojadinovic O, Brem H, Im MJ, Merchant A, Tomic-Canic M: The Book of Opposites: Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2005; 124:1034-43.
- From an enhanceosome to a repress some: molecular antagonism between glucocorticoids and EGF leads to inhibition of wound healing. Lee B, Vouthounis C, Stojadinovic O, Brem H, Im MJ, Tomic-Canic M: Journal of Molecular Biology 2005; 345:1083-1097.
- Protocol for the successful treatment of venous ulcers. Brem H, Kirsner RS, Falanga V: American Journal of Surgery 2004; 188:1-8.
- Statistical analysis of wound healing rates for pressure ulcers. Wallenstein S, Brem H: American Journal of Surgery 2004; 188:73-8.
- Gene array technology and pathogenesis of chronic wounds. Tomic-Canic M, Brem H: American Journal of Surgery 2004; 188:67-72.
- Practical Treatment of Pain in Patients with Chronic Wounds: Pathogenesis-Guided Management. Gordon Freedman, Hyacinth Entero, Harold Brem. American Journal of Surgery, July 2004; 188 (1A Suppl): 31-35.
- Protocol for the Successful Treatment of Pressure Ulcers. Harold Brem, Courtney Lyder. American Journal of Surgery, July 2004; 188 (1A Suppl): 9-17.
- Protocol for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Brem H, Sheehan P, Boulton AJM: American Journal of Surgery 2004; 187:1-10.
- Adverse effects of dietary glycotoxins on wound healing in genetically diabetic mice. Melpomeni Peppa, Harold Brem, Paul Ehrlich, Jian-Gang Zhang, Weijing Cai, Zhu Li, Anca Croitoru, Swan Thung, Helen Vlassara. Diabetes. Nov 2003; 52(11): 2805-13.
- Pathogenesis and Treatment of Pain in Patients with Chronic Wounds. Gordon Freedman, Conrad Cean, Vincent Duron, Alina Tarnovskaya, Harold Brem. Surgical Technology International 2003; 11: 168- 179.
- Healing of Elderly Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Venous Stasis Ulcers, and Pressure Ulcers. Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Alina Tarnovskaya, H. Paul Ehrlich, Edwina Baskin-Bey, Kiran Gill, Miriam Carasa, Sarah Weinberger, Hyacinth Entero, Bruce Vladek. Surgical Technology International 2003; 11: 161-167.
- Wound healing protocols for diabetic foot and pressure ulcers. Brem H, Jacobs T, Vileikyte L, Weinberger S, Gibber M, Boulton A: Surgery Technology International 2003; 11: 85-96.
- Clinical Efficacy and Mechanism of Bilayered Living Human Skin Equivalent (HSE) in Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Harold Brem, Jan Young, Marjana Tomic-Canic, Cary Isaacs, H. Paul Ehrlich. Surgical Technology International 2003; 11: 23-31.
- Pressure Ulcers in the Chronically Critically Ill Patient. Harold Brem, David M. Nierman, Judith E. Nelson. Critical Care Clinics, July 2002; 18(3): 683– 694.
- Treatment of pressure ulcers in the intensive care unit. Brem H, Nelson J, Nierman, D: Critical Care Clinics of North America 2002; 18:1-12.
- Development of a severity scale for evaluating the need for Graftskin in nonhealing venous ulcers. Morris D. Kerstein, Harold Brem, Katherine B. Giovino, Michael Sabolinski. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2002 Mar-Apr; 15(2): 66-71.
- Use of telehealth for chronic wound care: A case study. Visco DC, Shalley T, Wren SJ, Flynn JP, Brem H, Kerstein MD, Fitzpatrick JJ: Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing 2001; 28:89-95.
- Healing of venous ulcers of long duration with a bilayered living skin substitute: Results from a general surgery and dermatology department. Brem H, Balledux J, Sukkarieh T, Falanga V: Dermatologic Surgery 2001; 27:915-919.
- Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Pressure Ulcers with Human Skin Equivalent: A New Paradigm in Wound Healing. Harold Brem, Jeroen Balledux, Tamir Bloom, Morris D. Kerstein, Larry Hollier. Archives of Surgery, June 2000; 135(6): 627-634.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of portable low-bandwidth tele medical applications for postoperative follow-up: Initial results. Rosser JC, Prosst RL, Rodas EB, Rosser LE, Murayama M, Brem H: Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2000; 191:196-203.
- Use of Graftskin in the treatment of pressure ulcers and acute wounds. Brem H, Kirsner R: Wounds 2000; 12:72-77.
- Clinical experience with a human skin equivalent for the treatment of venous leg ulcers: process and outcomes. Kirsner R, Falanga V, Fivenson D, Thibodeaux K, Cavorsi J, de la Pava D, Brem H, Golomb C: Wounds 1999; 11:137-44.
- The modulation of angiogenesis during wound healing: Studies with the angiogenesis inhibitor TNP-470. Brem H, Ehrlich HP, Tsakayannis D, Folkman J: Surgical Forum 1997; 48: 714.
- Treatment of murine hemangioendotheliomas with the angiogenesis inhibitor AGM-1470. O' Reilly M, Brem H, and Folkman J: Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1995; 30:325.
- Potentiation of cytotoxic cancer therapies by the TNP-470 alone and with other antiangiogenic agents. Teicher BA, Holden SA, Ara G, Sotomayor EA, Huang ZD, Chen YN, Brem H: International Journal of Cancer 1994; 57:920.
- Minimal drug resistance after prolonged antiangiogenic therapy with AGM-1470. Brem H, Gotto F, Budson A, Saunders L, Folkman J: Surgical Forum 1994; 45:674.
- AGM-1470 inhibits the growth of human glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Takayamiya Y, Brem H, Ojeifo J, Mineta T, Martuza R: Neurosurgery 1994; 34:869.
- The influence of the angiogenesis inhibitor AGM-1470 on immune system status and tumor growth in vitro. Schoof D, Obando A, Cusack J, Goedegbuure P, Brem H, Eberlein T: International Journal of Cancer 1993; 55:630.
- The combination of antiangiogenic agents to inhibit primary tumor growth and metastasis. Brem H, Gresser I, Grosfeld J, Folkman J: Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1993; 28:1253.
- Inhibition of angiogenesis and growth of human nerve-sheath tumors by AGM-1470. Takayamiya Y, Friedlander R, Brem H, Malick A, Martuza R: Journal of Neurosurgery 1993; 78:470.
- Analysis of Experimental Anti-Angiogenic Therapy. Harold Brem, Judah Folkman. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, March 1993; 28(3): 445-451.
- Temporal expression of basic fibroblast growth factor during wound healing. Brem H, Shing Y, Watanabe H, Tamavokopoulis G, Marikovsky M, Voght P, Klagsbrun M, Grosfeld J, Ericksson E, Folkman J: Surgical Forum 1992; 43:664.
- Suppression of tumor metastasis by angiogenesis inhibition. Brem H, Ingber D, Blood CH, Bradley D, Urioste S, Folkman J: Surgical Forum 1991; 42:439.
- Synthetic analogs of fumagillin that inhibits angiogenesis and suppress tumor growth. Ingber D, Fujita T, Kishimoto S, Sudo K, Kanamaru T, Brem H, Folkman J: Nature 1990; 348:555-557.
- The use of endoscopy to treat bronchobiliary fistula resulting from choledocholithiasis. Brem H, Gibbons G, Cobb G, Edgin R, Ellison E, Carey L: Gastroenterology 1990; 98:490-492.
- Neonatal diagnosis of an anterior meningocele in the presence of congenital anal stenosis and partial sacral agenesis. Brem H, Beaver BL, Colombani PM, Zinreich J, Carson BS, Haller A Jr.: . Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989; 24:1076-1078.
- Neonatal model of heterotopic cardiac transplantation in swine. Verrier ED, Crombleholm TM, Saver L, Longaker M, Langer JC, Flake AW, Dae M, Brem H, Harrison MR: Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1989; 98:127-135.
- Congenital anal fistula with normal anus. H Brem, F.M. Guttman, J.-M. Laberge, D. Doody. J. Pediatr Surg. 1989 Feb; 24(2): 183-5.
- A murine brain tumor model for the study of angiogenesis. Brem H: Surgical Forum 1986; 37:502.
Brochure for Patients and Caregivers on the Prevention and Treatment of Bedsores
Click here for downloadable copy!
Dr. Brem's Teaching Videos for the American College of Surgeons
- 2009 American College of Surgeons -Surgical Technique Correlating the Molecular Basis of Non-Healing Venous Ulcers 2009
- 2009 American College of Surgeons- Surgical Debridement of a Diabetic Foot Ulcer with Osteomyelitis: Cellular Basis of Healing (American College of Surgeons)
- 2009 American College of Surgeons - Surgical Deep Tissue Debridement of Pressure Ulcers: Techniques of Wound and Bone Excision in the Presence of Osteomyelitis
- 2008 American College of Surgeons – Surgical Techniques and the Importance of Wide Debridement in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- 2008 American College of Surgeons – Surgical Technique of Debridement for New Stage IV Pressure Ulcers
- 2009 American College of Surgeons -Surgical Technique Correlating the Molecular Basis of Non-Healing Venous Ulcers 2009
Want to know More about Dr. Brem's Lectures? Here are eight, along with links to the full texts of every peer-reviewed article referenced in each presentation. (click to download)
Protocols Pathology HBO Regenerative Medicine
Necrotizing Fasciitis, Pelvic Osteomyelitis, Hospice
Three Clinical Presentations, Covid Testing
Three Clinical Presentations, Imaging and Diagnosis, Nutrition
Four Clinical Presentations, Tumor vs Wound, Chronic Limb Ischemia, Proximal Bone Biopsy
Detailed Protocols for Chronic Wounds and Necrotizing Fasciitis
Reviews, Books, and Chapters
- Maggi J, Ragupathi M, Tomic-Canic M, Brem H. Age and Impaired Healing Potential, Advances in Wound Care 2010, Volume 1: 177-186.
- Zimmerman K, Stojadinovic O, Lebrun E, Tomic-Canic M, Brem H. Cellular and Molecular Mechanism of Chronic Wounds Advances in Wound Care 2010, Volume 1:165-176.
- Maggi J, Brem H. The Future of CACs in Wound Healing. Archives Surgery 2010; 145:266.
- Treadwell TA, Willis AC, Brem H. Sickle Cell Ulcers. In Ayello EA, Barnoski S, eds. Wound Care Essentials: Practice Principles, Second Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008; 363-372.
- Hanflik. A, Golinko, M, Doft, M, Cain, C, Flattau, A, Brem, H. Operative Debridements of Chronic Wounds. Eds. Jeffrey H. Silverstein, G. Alec Rooke, J.G. Reves, Charles H. McLeskey. In Geriatric Anesthesiology, 2nd Edition. New York. Springer, 2007.
- Willis A, Gibber M, Moore S, Brem H. Sickle cell disease and leg ulcers: Pathogenesis, complications, assessment, and treatment. In Ayello EA, Baranoski S, eds. Wound Care Essentials. Springhouse. Hagerstown, 2003.
- Brem H. Specific paradigm for wound bed preparation in chronic wounds. In Cherry GW, Harding KG, Ryan TJ, eds. Wound Bed Preparation. The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd. University of Oxford, UK. 2001; 33-39.
- Falanga V, Brem H. Wound bed preparation for optimal use of advanced therapeutic products. In: Falanga V, Ed. Cutaneous Wound Healing. Boston University Press, 2001; 457-468.
- Mineta GL, Falanga V, Brem H. Current and investigative use of Graftskin in wound care: Questions and answers. Wounds 2000;12:47A-49A.
- Latifi R, Rosser JC, and Brem H. Anatomy and Clinical Outcomes. In: R.C. Merrell, Ed: Laparoscopic Surgery: a Colloquium Springer Verlag, New York, 1999; 95-102.
- Latifi R, Brem H, and Rosser JC. In search of a role for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. In: R.C. Merrell, Ed. Laparoscopic Surgery: A Colloquium Springer Verlag, New York, 1999; 167-179.
- Rosser JC, and Brem H. Technique of Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoduplication. In: R.C. Merrell, Editor. Laparoscopic Surgery: A Colloquium. Springer Verlag, New York, 1999; 115-125
- Rosser JC, Latifi R, and Brem H. Pathophysiology of Esophogeal Reflux. In: R.C. Merrell, Editor. Laparoscopic Surgery: A Colloquium. Springer Verlag, New York. 1999; 103-114.
- Brem H, Folkman J: Angiogenesis and basic fibroblast growth factor during wound healing. In: Bone Formation and Repair. Brighton CT, Friedlaender GE, Lane JM (eds.) American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Publishers. 1994; 213, 222-240.
- Brem H, Tamavokopulis G, Tsakayannis D, Gresser I, Budson A, Folkman J: Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth in Tumors and Wounds. In: Angiogenesis, Molecular Biology, Clinical Aspects. Marajoudakis ME, Gullino PM, Lelkes PI (eds.) Plenum Press Publishers, 1994; 335-336.
- Brem H, Klagsbrun M: The role of fibroblast growth factors and related oncogenes in tumor growth. In: Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes in Human Malignancies. Benz CC, Liu ET, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers: 1993; 211-31.
- Folkman J, Brem H: Angiogenesis and inflammation. In: Inflammation: Basic Principles and Clinical Correlates, 2nd Edition, Gallin JL, Goldstein IM, Snyderman R, eds., Raven Press, New York, NY: 1992; 821-39.
- Ingber D, Fujita T, Kishimoto S, Sudo K, Kanamaru T, Brem H, Folkman J: Synthetic analogues of fumagillin that inhibit angiogenesis and suppress tumor growth. Selected in abstract from The Yearbook of Surgery, Schwartz S, Jonasson O, Peacock EE, Shires GT, Spencer GT, Thompson JC, eds 1992.
- Brem H, Tamargo RJ, Guerin C, Brem SS, Brem H: Brain tumor angiogenesis. In: Advances in Neuro-oncology. Kornblith PL and Walker MD, eds. Futura Publishing Co.; 1988; 89-108.
The Scientific Literature On....
- Song BM, Lee JH, Woo HD, Cho MJ, Kim SS. Association between haemoglobin A1c and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in middle-aged and older Koreans: a prospective cohort study. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2022 Jul 14;19(1):46.
- Conlin PR, Zhang L, Li D, Nelson RE, Prentice JC, Mohr DC. Association of hemoglobin A1c stability with mortality and diabetes complications in older adults with diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2023 Apr;11(2)
- Pleasants E, Conlin PR. Association of hemoglobin A1c time in range with risk for diabetes complications. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2022 Jul;10(4)
- Rooney MR, Tang O, Pankow JS, Selvin E. Glycaemic markers and all-cause mortality in older adults with and without diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. Diabetologia. 2021 Feb;64(2):339-348.
- Palta P, Huang ES, Kalyani RR, Golden SH, Yeh HC. Hemoglobin A1c and Mortality in Older Adults With and Without Diabetes: Results From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (1988-2011). Diabetes Care. 2017 Apr;40(4):453-460.
- American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. 13. Older Adults: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2022. Diabetes Care. 2022 Jan 1;45(Suppl 1):S195-S207.
- Kianmehr H, Zhang P, Luo J, Guo J, Pavkov ME, Bullard KM, Gregg EW, Ospina NS, Fonseca V, Shi L, Shao H. Potential Gains in Life Expectancy Associated With Achieving Treatment Goals in US Adults With Type 2 Diabetes. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Apr 1;5(4):e227705.
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